Our playground has been dismantled on safety grounds and we are desperately trying to raise funds to replace it. We have had quotes in excess of £40,000 and as a small charity that is a big ask. If you would like to donate or know anyone that can help please get in touch or use the donate button on our home page.
In the past our large pond in the centre was filled with hundreds of koi carp & goldfish. However, the focus of the pond has changed rapidly over the course of the last few years & we have decided to turn the pond into a new wildlife area.
We are keenly aware of our native wildlife around the centre & it is something of great importance to us, as well as the need to protect & help it where we can. Looking after native species is something that radiates down an entire ecosystem, we have to care for the invertebrates and everything else up the food chain.
Upon repairing a tear in the ponds lining we have kept it absent of fish & have allowed it to propagate on a natural scale with the aid of our pump to keep the water flow moving. In under a year we have managed to attract common newt back to the grounds as well as various insect species, including water beetle, dragonfly, damselfly, stonefly & much more, on top of the varied butterfly, moth & bee populations already present.
Our future plans are aimed at developing the area more, so habitats can become more established. We hope to get native pond plants into the water to help aquatic species, re-plant the edges of the pond with reeds, grasses & native wildflower too, with the potential of maybe introducing native fish species in years to come.